Welcome to Susan Ball: Unapologetically You

I champion women through the process of healing from difficult, high-conflict relationships,  guiding them to live boldly and unapologetically

If you've emerged from a high-conflict, toxic, or abusive relationship and are ready to rewrite your story with boldness and authenticity, you're in the right place.

This is where healing meets empowerment, and where you'll discover the keys to living unapologetically.

Dive into a world of transformation designed specifically for women like you, seeking to elevate their lives and embrace the freedom of enthusiastic self-expression.

It's time to unleash your power and reclaim your joy.

Let's embark on this journey together, because you deserve nothing less than a life lived to its fullest potential.


"Unapologetic living is reclaiming your power and rewriting 
your story with resilience and grace."

Susan Ball

Hi, I'm Susan

DV Survivor, Champion of Women, Advocate, Mentor, Empowering Survivors
Living My Best Bold Life

Someone I believed I loved tried to kill me and that began my deep healing journey. Key to my journey was honouring that I was the common denominator in all of my dysfunctional relationships. And the question became: Why?

I took a deep dive into the stories and scripts I had been taught as a young girl: Be good, good girls don't, get married, have children, be nice, don't make a scene. I was not taught boundaries or how to use my voice in a healthy way. My needs, wants, and desires were ignored and slowly, they became a mystery to me.

But, I chose to heal and to remove the stories that no longer served me. I went on a journey of self-discovery and I began to see my life opening up and that gave me the courage to say no, set and enforce boundaries, choose me.

And I want that for you!
Let's work together to create a bold life you love!

Susan's Expert Coaching Solutions

Three-Month Path to Unapologetically You Program

Together we will explore the tools I've developed and how you can use them to uncover possibilities in your own life - to look ahead with curiosity and adventure, leaving behind your fear.

Your experience will include NLP coaching, Photography for Self-Confidence, and Art Life Coaching plus Somatic Healing techniques.

Find your own voice and create a life you can love. 

Dynamic You 90-Minute Power Session

Are you ready to reclaim your life after a difficult, toxic, or abusive relationship?

Welcome to a transformative experience designed exclusively for women who are ready to take control and create an amazing, unapologetic life.

My 90-Minute Dynamic You Power Session is your first step towards healing, empowerment, and thriving beyond past challenges

AVANTI Retreats

AVANTI Retreats are life-changing experiences  tailored exclusively for extraordinary women seeking profound healing after high-conflict, toxic, or abusive relationships. Women who want to embrace healthy boundaries, let go of old stories, and live their life self-full and unapologetically.

June and October 2025

Feeling the Love

The Impact of Victim Blaming on Healing After Domestic Violence—and How to Overcome It

When a woman leaves an abusive relationship, her journey to healing is both courageous and complex. However, one of the most insidious obstacles many women face during recovery is victim blaming—the harmful belief that the victim is somehow responsible for the abuse she experienced. Victim blaming not only adds unnecessary shame and guilt but can also stall or derail the healing process, making it harder for survivors to rebuild their self-worth. This article explores the damaging effects of victim blaming and offers practical advice on how women can reject these attacks, reclaim their narratives, and embrace healing unapologetically.

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Taking Paris Back: Creating New Memories After Abuse

When I married my abuser, he promised me amazing celebrations for our anniversary and my birthday, convincing me to get married the day after my birthday. I thought it would be the perfect way to celebrate the two biggest milestones in my life, all wrapped into one beautiful package. But instead of joy, he stole that celebration from me, taking his girlfriend on our honeymoon trip to Paris.

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Toxic Nostalgia: How to Stay Strong When Abusers Try to Pull You Back

After leaving an abusive relationship—whether with a partner, family member, or friend—many survivors face an emotional challenge that isn't often discussed: toxic nostalgia. This is when the abuser reappears, often through hoovering or love-bombing, attempting to sweep you back into their control with affection, promises, or manipulated memories of “better times.” They create a haze around the very real reasons you walked away, trying to lure you back into the cycle of abuse. Here's how to recognize toxic nostalgia and stay strong in your resolve to maintain your freedom and peace.

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Self-Esteem Myths: Unpacking Common Misconceptions About Confidence

When you're on a journey to rebuild your life after experiencing abuse, one of the core elements you'll likely focus on is self-esteem. It's often described as the foundation of confidence and personal growth. However, self-esteem is surrounded by many myths and misconceptions that can make it seem elusive or even unattainable. In this post, we'll explore some of these myths, debunk the idea of a "one-size-fits-all" approach to confidence, and offer a more personalized perspective on building self-esteem.

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I Stand with Blake Lively: Moving Beyond the Victim Label to Reclaim Your Life

Blake Lively's statement, "You are so much more than just a survivor or just a victim. And what someone has done to you doesn't define you. You define you," captures a powerful truth for women who have experienced domestic violence and are ready to step into their new chapter. While the trauma you have endured is significant and life-altering, it does not have to be the defining feature of your identity. Moving beyond the label of "victim" is crucial for women who want to reclaim their lives and create a future they love.

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Why You Don't Need Labels to Heal: Focus on What You Want More (or Less) Of in Your Life

-On your journey of healing from an abusive, toxic or high-conflict relationship, it's easy to get caught up in labelling. You might feel compelled to identify your abuser as a narcissist or yourself as codependent or empathetic. While these labels can provide some initial clarity about what happened to you, they are not essential for healing. In fact, they might even hinder your progress by keeping you trapped in a cycle of defining yourself through the lens of the past. Instead of focusing on labels, a more empowering approach is to ask yourself two simple yet profound questions: What do you want more of in your life? And what do you want less of in your life?

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Embracing Curiosity: Setting Goals After Abuse

Recovering from an abusive relationship is a journey filled with challenges, but it's also a path to rediscovering your inner strength and resilience. One powerful way to navigate this journey is by setting goals—goals that stem from your curiosity and desire to rebuild your life on your terms. Here’s how you can use curiosity to set and achieve your goals, one small step at a time.

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The Power of "Yet": Turning Dead Ends into Possibilities

When we have left the abuser and we want to create a new life for ourselves, it's not uncommon to encounter obstacles that seem insurmountable. These can range from personal doubts to external circumstances that block our paths. Phrases like "I have no money," "I'm not smart enough," or "I can't do this" become familiar refrains in our minds. However, the simple addition of a single word—"yet"—can transform these statements from declarations of defeat into expressions of potential and hope.

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Rediscovering Curiosity: The Key to Knowing Yourself

The biggest stumbling block to creating and living a new, bold, unapologetic chapter after abuse is you have become a stranger to yourself! You have spent all your energy appeasing, supporting, and acquiesing to the abuser simply to keep the peace or keep the abuser from hurting you or keep the abuser from leaving, etc. And now you are free from the abuser and feel lost - who are you? what do you want? what are your passions? Moving on and creating an amazing life for yourself begins when you embrace curiosity!

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