Being Unapologetically You: Why It’s So Healing

Published on 6 June 2024 at 12:37

What does it mean to be unapologetically you?

Being unapologetically you means becoming conscious of the pursuit of yourself, stripping back all the layers of who society taught you to be, and truly opening up to your true self. 

In the journey of becoming unapologetic, you’re not becoming someone different.

It’s about you no longer feeling the need to hide or be who you think other people want you to be, and it’s about you no longer holding yourself back from fully expressing yourself due to the fear of being judged. 

Being unapologetic is about validating yourself and being so accepting of yourself that you no longer need to seek any outside validation or approval in order to feel good enough or worthy.

For example, I am absolutely unapologetic about my love of the English language and correct spelling. I am unapologetic about my love and respect for the environment and the boundaries I enforce around protection. I am unapologetic about how and why I support my clients. I am unapologetic about my travels.

In those pursuits and loves, I feel no desire to acquire outside validation, approval, or permission to pursue and uphold my beliefs. Getting to the point of living and being unapologetic is a journey. You need to rewrite the old scripts your inherited as you grew up. And that takes time.

For me, one script was all about the environment. I was raised by a family who did not give a shit about the environment. Laughed at anyone who spoke about the importance of the environment. And that laughter was often directed at me - bambi lover, tree hugger, hippie, etc. For the longest time, I avoided conversations about the environment - I allowed my family to silence my voice. They made me feel shame.

Until I made the conscious decision to step into my beliefs without anyone else's permission or approval! I decided my love and passion for the environment was more important than their ridiculous, petty name-calling. And that is when I stepped into my unapologetic beliefs and power. Life-changer.

This is only one example of how we fall into silence or a should life in order to be liked, accepted, etc.

Your Unapologetic Assignment:

Do something in the next few days without asking anyone what they think. Given yourself permission. Something you have not done before and it seems a little scary and contrary to what you feel you "should" be doing. Do it. Journal about your experience and your feelings.

Ready to rewrite the rules? Click HERE to schedule your consultation and live boldly!

To your bold, unapologetic life, Susan xo

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