It's Not Love, It's Your Pattern: Understanding the Difference and Breaking Free

Published on 4 September 2024 at 12:43

When people think of love, they often imagine a deep connection, mutual respect, and a sense of safety and security. However, what happens when that "love" repeatedly leads to pain, frustration, and disappointment? The truth is, sometimes what we believe to be love is not love at all—it's a pattern.

Recognizing the Pattern

For many, the realization that what they thought was love is actually a repeating pattern can be shocking and disorienting. These patterns often stem from deep-seated beliefs and experiences from childhood or past relationships. They might manifest as repeatedly choosing partners who are emotionally unavailable, engaging in relationships where one feels unworthy, or constantly seeking validation from those who offer little in return.


These patterns can be so ingrained that they feel like love. But true love nurtures, heals, and empowers. A pattern, on the other hand, traps you in a cycle that prevents genuine connection and growth.


Why We Confuse Patterns with Love


  1. Familiarity: Humans are creatures of habit. What is familiar feels safe, even if it is unhealthy. If chaos, unpredictability, or emotional unavailability were common in your early relationships (with family, for example), you might unconsciously seek out partners who replicate those dynamics. It feels like love because it's what you've known.

  2. Validation of Self-Worth: Often, unhealthy patterns are tied to our sense of self-worth. If you grew up feeling unworthy of love or having to earn it through behaviour or sacrifice, you might find yourself in relationships where you’re constantly seeking approval or trying to prove your worth. This isn't love—it's a desperate attempt to validate a distorted self-image.

  3. The Illusion of Intensity: Patterns often involve intense emotions—jealousy, anxiety, longing—which can be mistaken for passion. This intensity can create a false sense of deep connection, when in reality, it's a sign of a dysfunctional dynamic.

  4. Fear of Change: Breaking a pattern means facing the unknown, which can be terrifying. The pattern, though painful, feels predictable. Love, in its truest form, might feel boring or unexciting in comparison, leading some to confuse the emotional rollercoaster of a pattern for the highs and lows of love.


Breaking the Cycle


Understanding that it’s not love but a pattern is the first step toward change. But recognizing this alone isn't enough; breaking free requires intentional action.


  1. Self-Reflection: Spend time reflecting on your past relationships. What common themes emerge? What role did you play in perpetuating these dynamics? Journaling or speaking with a therapist can help you gain clarity.

  2. Identify Your Triggers: What situations, behaviours, or traits in others draw you into these patterns? Recognizing your triggers can help you avoid falling into the same traps.

  3. Redefine Love: Begin to understand love in healthier terms. Love is not about sacrifice, chaos, or proving your worth. It’s about mutual respect, support, and growth. Educate yourself on what healthy love looks like and start to cultivate those qualities in your relationships.

  4. Set Boundaries: One of the most powerful tools in breaking a pattern is setting and maintaining boundaries. Learn to say no to what doesn’t serve you, and yes to what nurtures your well-being.

  5. Practice Self-Love: At the core of many patterns is a lack of self-love. Begin to treat yourself with the kindness, respect, and care that you deserve. As you cultivate self-love, you’ll find that your tolerance for unhealthy patterns decreases.

  6. Seek Support: Breaking free from deep-rooted patterns is not easy. Surround yourself with supportive friends, mentors, or a therapist who can guide you on this journey.


The Reward: True Love


When you break free from patterns, you open yourself up to experiencing love in its truest form. This love is not rooted in insecurity, fear, or past trauma but in mutual respect, understanding, and growth. It’s a love that builds you up rather than tears you down.


Recognizing that "it's not love, it's your pattern" is a profound and courageous step. It’s the moment you choose to prioritize your well-being, redefine your understanding of love, and commit to breaking the cycle that has kept you stuck. In doing so, you pave the way for genuine connections that align with your true self—connections that nurture your growth, happiness, and fulfillment.


So, take that step. Break the pattern. And discover the love that you truly deserve. You're worth it.


Here are five journal prompts designed to help you explore their patterns and understand how these patterns may be distorting their concept of love:


  1. Identify Your Relationship Patterns:

    • Reflect on your past relationships. What common themes or behaviours do you notice in yourself or your partners? How have these patterns influenced your understanding of love?
  2. The Role of Familiarity in Your Relationships:

    • Think about the relationships you’re drawn to. Do they resemble any dynamics from your childhood or past experiences? How might this familiarity be affecting your choices in love?
  3. Distinguishing Love from Emotional Intensity:

    • Consider a relationship where you experienced intense emotions (e.g., jealousy, longing, anxiety). How did these emotions influence your perception of love? In what ways might this intensity have masked unhealthy dynamics?
  4. Self-Worth and Validation in Love:

    • Reflect on how you seek validation in relationships. Do you feel the need to prove your worth to your partner? How has this impacted your ability to recognize and experience true love?
  5. Redefining Love for Yourself:

    • Write about what love means to you now, after reflecting on your patterns. How would you like to redefine love in a way that prioritizes your well-being and nurtures healthy, fulfilling relationships?


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